Welcome to WORLD OF MOTION c 1994 Wayzata Technology, Inc. Created by Matt Urban & Joe Del Tufo in conjunction with Arden Films and Video, Inc. This a collection of stock Quicktime movie for the Macintosh and Windows environments. All video clips for World of Motion were taken directly from Betacam SP master tapes, and digitized at 12 frames per second. Some clips also have audio. The video segments contained on World of Motion were supplied by: Arden Films and Video, Inc., of Wilmington, DE. In business for over 25 years, Arden has collected a large library of broadcast-quality stock footage, including footage from around the world. The clips on World of Motion represent just a small portion of this footage. For more information on other footage available, or for information on how to obtain actual video clips of the footage on World of Motion, please contact: Arden Films and Video, Inc. 1501 N. Walnut St. Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 571 - 1754 FAX: (302) 571 - 1744 Getting Started: Insert the CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. Macintosh: If you do not have QuickTime 1.6 installed, you need to install the QuickTime 1.6 provided on this CD-ROM by dragging the QuickTime file to your system folder and restarting. Double click on the "World of motion" icon. Windows: From the Windows Program manager's menu choose run and TYPE: "[drive]:\install" (where drive is the letter of your CD-ROM drive, if your CD-ROM drive is something other than D use that letter instead.) How to use World of motion The main menu screen provides a selection of topics to choose from Click a category button to change to that category ( i.e. ABSTRACTS). You will now see the menu for that category. Choose a movie you wish to view and click on it's button. You are now at the player window, click on play to start the movie. When the movie is finished you may play it again or move on to a different movie. You can use the right and left arrows also to move from one movie to another. All of the World of motion categories are also accessible through the menu bar located at the top of the screen. The World of Motions movies are in the folders (directories) with corresponding names ( Abstracts Movies). The text in "World of motion" is available in files that can be accessed by your word processor! See the file "FileList.txt" Macintosh: open the "Mac_txt" folder. Windows: open Filelist.wri located inthe Windows Directory on the CD-ROM. The text contains the listing of sounds by categories. There is also a listing of the sounds with their full path name, so that you can easily find the sounds outside of the given interface. Issues Equipment/software needed or recommended: Macintosh: - 256 (8 bit) color or better color display - QuickTime 1.6 (on CD-ROM) installed - Mac II, LC or better (68020 microprocessor or better). - System 6.0.7 or higher - 4 megabytes free RAM required. - 13" monitor display PC/Windows: - DOS 5.0 - Windows 3.1 - 386 or better PC - Sound Board and speakers - 256 (8 bit) or less -4 megabytes free RAM required. QuickTime 1.6/1.1 is included. 8 bit display (256 colors): All the images are in an 8 bit format in the "World of motion" software. Trouble Shooting: The movies don't play. Make sure that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed Macintosh 1.6, Windows 1.1. They are both provided on the CD-ROM. The sounds don't play. Macintosh: Make sure that your sound control panel is not off. Windows: You need a sound board. Are the speakers/headphones connected and on? The software doesn't fit on my screen. You need at least a 13" display (640x480) to view the entire picture. White and black blotches on my screen. The images and sounds used in this software require large quantities of RAM at time. If the program is unable to load all of the images needed into RAM for one screen, it may "blank" the images from the screen or cause sounds to be cut short of their full play. The problem may be resolved by quitting any other applications that may be running or by adding more RAM to your machine. Strange characters appear on my screen. On the PC, if your video driver is not set to 8bits, Director Player for Windows will run into compatibility problems. Be sure to set your video driver to 8 bits (640x480x256). We hope you enjoy "World of motion" in you home, school, or office use. Fell free to contact us with your comments or questions. (800)735-7321